
Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Earth Day

As you probably know by now, today is Earth Day, and we decided to celebrate in a couple of different ways. The first thing we did today was to go by Starbucks to get a free brewed tea in a reusable tumbler, ok, maybe that was a fairly selfish way to celebrate, but it was a tasty one.
Next I visited our local farmer's market, which had its opening day of the summer market today. Buying from your local farmer's market is a great way to go green and live sustainably by using fresh ingredients (which taste much better anyway), and you are also supporting local growers, so it's a win-win. I didn't buy much at the market today, but I did pick up some mint to throw in my aforementioned tea, and I've heard that adding a little fresh mint to water is really refreshing, so I thought I'd give it a try.

The other way we decided to celebrate was by planting a new tree in our yard. The farmer's market was giving away redbud trees today in honor of Earth Day. There was a long line for the trees, but thankfully I got there early and they were well stocked. They even gave us this little paper with information about the tree (most of which I already knew from growing up a country girl, but a refresher is always nice).
We thought about where to plant the tree for a little bit before deciding on the front yard since we want to keep the "back 40" as we call it, in the back yard pretty sunny for our vegetable garden. We also liked the idea of balancing out the front yard with another tree on the opposite side of where our big elm is growing. It worked well with our OCD need for everything to be even.
It's not much to look at right now, but hopefully after a little care and time to grow it will be looking good and start to balance out the lopsided lawn.

For anyone else interested in planting your own tree for Earth Day, Lowes is giving away 1 million trees tomorrow, so visit your local Lowes store to snag one of your own.

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