
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Last Minute Decorating

If you're like us, you've had your Christmas decorations up since the day after Thanksgiving, however, if you are one of those people that wait to do things until the last minute (ahem, like me writing this post 5 days before Christmas..) then we may have a few quick decorating ideas for you. The first idea is my favorite new decoration for the year. It's our new wreath for the front door.

I got the idea from my pinterest page, but it was originally from here. I tweaked it a little bit though. I went to the dollar store and picked up these packages of snowflakes in three different sizes, as well as a white party streamer.

I picked up an inexpensive straw wreath from Michael's, and wrapped the streamer around it (leaving the plastic wrap over the straw part of the wreath to make it a little smoother). That took about five minutes. Next I heated up the trusty old hot glue gun and got to gluing. The snowflakes has a pretty good spot in the center to put the glue, so I just layered the snowflakes in varying sizes around the wreath. We decided the wreath was still lacking something though, so I used the strings that were already attached to the snowflakes to hang a few of them from the flakes that had been glued onto the wreath, in order to add a little depth and interest.

And there you have it, a simple, quick wreath to hang on your door or in your windows for Christmas, and you could even have this out longer for more of the winter since it doesn't have anything inherently Christmas-y about it.

Now for a quick look at tree decorating. Something that I like to do is to hang some ornaments on the inside of the tree, not just on the outer edges. They don't jump out at you, they just show through enough that you see a little shimmer and layering to your tree. To do this you have to make sure it's ornaments that are a little shinier or colorful to make sure that they show up enough and that you don't lose them when you're taking the tree down though. I like to throw some red and gold ones in towards the center of the tree. You can kind of see what I mean in the picture below, although sadly, it doesn't do it justice to real life.

And here's a look at our whole Christmas tree all lit up and even with a few presents underneath. 

One of our friends told us that whenever she sees the ornaments inside the tree like that it always reminds her of the Chip and Dale Chipmunk Christmas special where they're running through the tree. We're definitely cool with that though, it brings a little nostalgia to the tree.  

So there you have it, a simple last minute project, and a new way to consider decorating your tree. Anyone else made any decorations for Christmas this year? Or maybe have chipmunks running a muck in your tree. We're considering trying to find a fun little chipmunk ornament to stick in the tree, just for the fun of it. 

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