
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

It's About Time's been a while since my last post. I have no good excuse, not even a bad excuse, but thanks to a couple of very persistent friends and also looking at the stats on the blog and seeing that for some reason you all still look at it I decided to see about giving this whole thing another shot. One thing is for sure, I haven't been neglecting the blog for lack of projects around here, so I will dive right in on one. The big project we have been working on lately is project baby! And yes, this time this is an announcement. We are expecting a little bundle of joy that is going to be known as Will in late September or early October! We have been busily working on things around here to prepare for his arrival, and it just so happens that it works out that the last post happened to be about the built-in bookshelf that will now be a part of the nursery. So, where to begin? Let's start out where we last left off. The last time we looked at the built-in it was looking something like this.


Not too bad, but not the most kid friendly. It has since evolved into this.

The bookshelf got repainted to be all white (it's hard to tell from the first picture, but the backing was a soft cream color) and we have added some kid friendly books and toys. It is far from complete, but it is an improvement in my opinion. Also, you may have noticed that the wall color changed. We decided to go with a soft neutral gray in the room. We used Martha Stewart Living's Bedford Gray (color matched to Olympic Premium). We used that color on the pantry in the back room and really liked it, but it does go on the walls quite a bit cooler than it looks on the paint chip, where it has a more brownish gray hue. We also painted all the trim in the room white. Here is what the room was looking like before our little painting expedition.

And here is a testament to what a little paint can do for a room. The color in the top picture is more true to what it actually looks like in real life. 

One of my favorite things about the whole room so far would definitely have to be the doors. Jake had the idea to paint the inner panels of them the same color as the walls, and I love the way it turned out, especially with the antique-y looking door knobs that we have. *Once again the top picture has the more true to life paint color.

 So there is one of the numerous projects we have been working on around here as of late. Hopefully it won't take me another 7 months to get to the next project post.

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