
Friday, September 13, 2013

Tulsa Day Trip

Well, we knew it was bound to happen, some day I would forget to do my Thursday update. I really had hoped that it would be longer than three weeks in to the decision to start actually writing on the blog again. Oh well, at least I remembered the next day. Since I obviously hadn't been thinking about my post for the week, I am just going to do a little update on our recent trip to the Tulsa aquarium with some of our friends. So, without further ado:

Since we all live in several different places in the Missouri, Oklahoma, and Arkansas area we met at the Aquarium. Will was fine with hanging around outside for a little bit though.

Here's a look at our whole group once we all got together. We love each and every one of these people so much, they are some of our best friends and we love that even though we don't all live in the same town anymore we still make time to see each other and when we get together we can be ourselves and just be happy to be together, no matter what we are doing.

The aquarium isn't very big, and it seemed a little overpriced, but we were there with people we enjoy, so we had a good time. They did have a few cool displays though, like this one where you could touch several different sea creatures. Will is tormenting a starfish in this particular display.

This tank had a bunch of tiny shrimp in it that you could put your hand in the water and hold them. Once again though, Will thought it looked more like a place that needed some good old splashin' more than calm shrimp holding.

Although it is a small aquarium, they still had some beautiful tanks. Sea life always amazes me at the seemingly endless colors, shapes, and textures that can be found in the ocean. It is a great reminder of the creativeness of our God.

Looking at all that also kind of makes you question the Little Mermaid's judgement a little bit. I mean, when you live down in all that beauty, why would you want to be "up where they play all day in the sun"? Living in the ocean looks pretty good from where I'm sitting, but to each their own I guess.

They also had several places in the aquarium where there were less exotic animals, like this area where you could watch the turtles.

There were some crazy looking animals at the aquarium as well though, like this eel that we decided looked like the Shrieking Eels from The Princess Bride. It was kind of giving Will the death stare too, so I'm glad it was safely encased in glass.

They also had a shark tunnel, but my camera batteries were dying so I didn't end up with any pictures there. I always thought a shark tunnel would be super cool, but after being in one, I think a tropical fish tunnel would be a lot more fun, and definitely more colorful. They also had a cage like the ones you use when you go swimming with the sharks, and let me tell you, after seeing the size of the holes in that thing, you will never catch me swimming with the sharks. (Sorry for the poor lighting, I had to use my phone since my camera batteries died.)

We found Nemo.

And jellyfish. Not to be confused with jelly fish (does this video pop into anyone else's head when you see a jellyfish?)

That pretty much covers the aquarium. After we got done we decided to go to a park that had a splash pad to let the kids get down and run around a little bit. Not much happened at the park, so I'm just going to throw a whole bunch of pictures here without much narration since they are pretty self-explanatory.

I just have to say, I think this next one is super sweet. I love the way they are looking at each other. 

Will loves to swing, he just laughs and smiles the entire time. 

We ended with a meal at a great little pizza place called Hideaway Pizza, if you live in or are visiting the Tulsa area I would highly recommend it. So that was our trip to Tulsa at the end of July, we had a great time with some really great friends, and I am so glad we got to do it. We always love spending time with friends and getting to check out new places.

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