
Friday, January 10, 2014

Month of Craziness

Disclaimer: please forgive the horrible phone shots in this post, it was a busy month and I have not had a chance to edit any photos from the real camera. 

Warning, this is a very wordy post; I apologize in advance.

So it's been a while since I posted, and while there is really no good excuse I will list my excuses out for you anyway. Some of the reasons will get further info in the form of their own post later on, but some are not really interesting enough to go into so I will just talk about them briefly here and then let them be.

The end of November and all of December were possibly the craziest, busiest months of our lives to date. To start it all off we celebrated our 5th anniversary at the end of November, so the Friday before Thanksgiving we left Will at home with my parents (he moved over to Jake's parents part-way through our trip so that both sets of grandparents got their "Will time") and headed off to Dallas.

We stayed in Dallas until the day before Thanksgiving then headed back home to be back for all the family Thanksgiving craziness the next day. The traffic leaving Dallas was not on our side, but it did get better fairly quickly and we made it home by Wednesday evening.

The next day was Thanksgiving. Around 9:30 in the morning we packed up for our first of three family get-togethers that day. The first was at Jake's grandparents' house where we had brunch starting at 10:00. We had a good time with family and trying not to fill up too much since we knew we had a other family dinner waiting for us in just a few hours. We headed out from the grandparents' to go to our next family dinner at 12:30. Thankfully the next dinner was only two blocks from the first. It was at a church that my extended family always rents out to hold the 80ish of us that can make it to the meal. After eating a full on Thanksgiving dinner there (we knew there would be a little more time between this meal and the next) and spending some time with family that we don't see very often we headed home around 3:00 to put Will down for a nap before the next dinner we had. The last dinner of the day was very laid back and small compared to the 40 and then 80 people that we spent the earlier part of the day with. Our last dinner was just with Jake's immediate family and an aunt and uncle. We ate dinner together and played some games, then we headed home to get some much needed rest. I didn't take any pictures on Thanksgiving since we were just trying to spend time with family that we don't see all that often, so this is pretty much it that you'll hear about that day.

The first week in December we bought a new house!

That's right, we realized back in the summer that at some point we would be expanding our family and also that with as often as we have people over into our house our sweet little 900 square footer would no longer work for us. We spent a while looking at houses since we were in no hurry to move, and in late October we found one that we loved and that fit almost all of our criteria. We started the process and on Thursday, December 5, we signed the papers and got a new house. We moved in that Saturday, which was a nice snowy mess and have been here for just over a month now. We still own the other house too, since there are a few projects that we need to finish up before we put it on the market, but we are hoping to get it put up in the next few months. I will do a whole post dedicated to what we were looking for and what projects may be in the works for it sometime soon, but for now I'll just say that so far and we are really enjoying the new house and having more room.

The day after we moved we had an impromptu Christmas party here with our small group from church. The party was supposed to be at another person's house down in Arkansas but apparently Missouri cleans the roads much better because they were horrible down there, so the party got moved here. Our friends Tony and Angel (who had been planning to host at their house) came over to help us set up after church and we moved boxes out of the main areas and did a little last minute Christmas decorating. It all turned out really well for having just lived in the house barely over 24 hours, and the amount of room for hosting verses the old house was incredible.

Later that night Jake came down with the flu, which he then passed on to me, which I then passes to Will. We all recovered just fine, but we were not expecting to be taken down with the flu for the first week and a half that we lived here, so it kind of delayed our unpacking and Christmas present shopping/making until the last minute. By the time everyone was better we had less than a week before Christmas.

We crammed in our last minute Christmas shopping and present making, which I will go into in a little more detail later in a Christmas post, and all managed to be healthy for Christmas day. Unfortunately, just after midnight Jake got sick again and the whole cycle started up again. Jake was sick for several days, (thankfully neither Will nor I caught it this time) and then about the time he started feeling better Will came down with a cold. We got through our New Years party with only Will being sick and then I unfortunately came down with a cold that I am still getting over and have passed along to Jake. So to sum up, since we moved into this house, I think there has been a total of about four days when we have all been completely healthy. Hopefully this trend will end soon and not stick around since we plan to live in this house indefinitely.

I think that pretty much sums up the craziness that has gone on for us in the last month, travel, family, buying a house and moving, unending (or so it feels) sickness, and the holidays. It was a good time overall, other than the rampant illnesses, and I look forward to going into more detail at a later date.

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