
Monday, April 14, 2014

First House Progress

Ever since we moved we have been working to get our old house renovated the rest of the way and ready to sell. It was kind of slow going for a while, with the holidays and being sick, but now that winter is (mostly) over we have kicked things into high gear. There were several things we wanted/needed to get done to the old house before putting it up on the market, so we went through the house with our realtor to see what needed to be taken care of and made a list room by room.

For Will's old room there was very little that needed to be done, we just patched the holes in the walls from pictures, etc., and then touched up the paint. It was the most recently completed room in the house, so there wasn't much need for any work on it.

In the master bedroom the list wasn't horribly long either, but it was a little more than Will's room.
  • Repaint.
  • Fix broken window sill.
  • Patch hole where exhaust fan was.
  • Put up new blinds.
  • Remove carpet tape from floor. 
Some of these jobs, like replacing the blinds were just because it's easier and worth the $12 to us to just replace the old mini blinds rather than clean them. The carpet tape on the floor was a leftover remnant from who knows how long ago. It was there in a giant X shape when Jake bought the house 7 1/2 years ago, and we never worried about removing it because it didn't really bother us that much and wasn't even noticeable in this picture, but without furniture in the room it was a little bit of an eyesore. Jake ended up using some goo-gone to get it all cleaned up and off the hardwoods.

The fan that was in the wall adjoining the living room and bedroom was there to move warm air into the bedroom when the floor furnace was in use, but since we installed central heat and air in the summer of 2012 it wasn't necessary anymore and our realtor suggested we loose it. So Jake took out the fan and patched up the hole that was left in the wall. You can see the offender in the top middle left of this picture.

And here it is all patched up. I had also started edging in this picture for the painting.

I don't have any pictures of the window sill that needed replaced, but it was just cracked and a little rotten, so Jake made a new one and mixed some stain together to get it to match the rest of the trim in the room.

The last thing we did was paint the room. I went with the color Frosty Grass by Valspar in satin. It is a light greenish-blueish color and really lightens up the room a lot. These pictures were taken before we took the tape down, so don't worry about the bold green on all the trim, that's just the frog tape waiting to be taken down.

With all of those things taken care of we were able to mark the master bedroom off our list as well.

In the closet in between the two bedrooms we just need to repaint, we were going to use the same color as the bedroom but we ended up using the whole gallon on the walls in the bedroom and didn't have any left to use in the closet, so we'll have to go pick up a quart of something to paint in there, there are just some scuff marks and general repainting needs in it.

There was also a little bit that needed taken care of in the attic. Jake (who I will remind you is a professional licensed electrician) had started rewiring the house a while back and needed to finish up the rewire, so he and his dad (who is also a professional electrician) took a day to get that finished up.

I think that's a long enough post for today, we still have to cover the hallway, bathroom, living room, kitchen and back room, as well as a few outdoor fixed that we're going to be working on, so there will be more updates on the old house as we get those done and photographed.

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